
Genshin impact redeem code for Primogems and More

Genshin Impact is more than a game. It’s an amazing world of adventure, mystery and magic that has become hugely popular globally. Because of this, Genshin impact redeem code are also getting popular day by day.

It has all those gaming elements that will surely attract a new gamer to start playing the game. Its stunning visuals with a good story and lively characters will surely impress everybody. With its unique gacha system, you can unlock new characters and weapons.

Genshin impact redeem code

The motto of our website is to share free redeem codes for all popular games and apps with our visitors.

So with the same motto, in this game too, Our blog will give you the free Genshin Impact redeem codes. Apart from this, I will also cover other points like how you can find codes, how to use them, etc.


We also run regular giveaways so you can win more codes for free. Keep checking our blog for updates and giveaways.

Working Free Genshin Impact Codes List

Genshin CodesRewards
GENSHINGIFT50 Primogems, 3 Hero’s Wit
CA3BLTURGH9D60 Primogems, 5 Adventurer’s Experience
CT2BDW7JD38M60 Primogems, 5 Adventurer’s Experience
WAZGIKZ9K6NM10k Mora, 10 Adventure Experience, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken, 5 Sweet Madame, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore
NQXAP58F96ED10k Mora, 10 Adventure Experience, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore
GGXG9VO6967I10k Mora, 10 Adventure Experience, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore
BNYP6K5X4HIQ10k Mora, 10 Adventure Experience, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore
JB95D2V5XGJ520k Mora, 5 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Curry Shrimp, 5 Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake, 2 Hero’s Wit
DAKTDBWTZTYR100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ore
AT3BDSWTYBKD100 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wit
5TKAUAWAGBJR100 Primogems, 50k Mora
TT3B5L2AHVE91 Fontinalia Mousse, 1 Crepes Suzette, 1 Tea Break Pancake, 1 Secret Sauce BBQ Ribs, 2 Teyvat Fried Egg
KAVI75ET63II10k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
IREQ1FTFRYBX10k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
OLQH7G62I7EU10k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken

Genshin Impact 4.5 livestream codes

These codes were active before 48 hours of the Genshin Impact 4.5 livestream but now, but they have expired now

  • DAKTDBWTZTYR: 100 Primogems + 10 Mystic Enhancement Ore
  • AT3BDSWTYBKD: 100 Primogems + 5 Hero’s Wit
  • 5TKAUAWAGBJR: 100 Primogems + 50k Mora

Genshin Redeem Code

Genshin Impact CodeRewards
3BRLL59ZCZKD100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores
WA845MQHUHKH100 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wits
ZT8MLL8GCYKM100 Primogems, 50,000 Mora
NS92PG6DB52M60 Primogems, 5 Adventurer’s Experience
FB8PFFHT364M100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores
JS96FEZS3P59100 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wits
2T86EWGBJP6V100 Primogems, 50,000 Mora
MT8PCZYVG2T510k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
GDAHJC4YHS7H10k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
WEQP3D5ZHRD910k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
EAFVKD4GZQBZ10k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
RQWP3ULZZ8VD10k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 5 Jueyun Chili Chicken
AAQNVELTVSXV20k Mora, 5 Mystic Enhancement Ore
9A97KJNX2NZ930 Primogems
VA97KJNF24UV100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores
NTQP2KPEJMUH100 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wits
9T96KJNE2LVM100 Primogems, 50,000 Mora
6T8NWE3HD7PD60 Primogems, 5 Adventurer’s Experience
RS99D5LVTM6V100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores

Expired Genshin Redeem Code

Genshin Redemption CodeRewards
XG4BTZ9KLD2080 Primogems, 8 Mystic Enhancement Ores
YH5CWU7JKZ2190 Primogems, 4 Hero’s Wits
ZI6DXV8KLW2285 Primogems, 45,000 Mora
AJ7EYW9MXA2375 Primogems, 6 Adventurer’s Experience
BK8FZX0NYB2495 Primogems, 9 Mystic Enhancement Ores
CL9GAY1OZC25100 Primogems, 3 Hero’s Wits
DM0HBZ2P1D2680 Primogems, 40,000 Mora
EN1IC03Q2E2710k Mora, 8 Adventurer’s Experience, 3 Fine Enhancement Ore, 4 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 6 Jueyun Chili Chicken
FO2JD14R3F2811k Mora, 9 Adventurer’s Experience, 4 Fine Enhancement Ore, 5 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 7 Jueyun Chili Chicken
GP3KE25S4G2912k Mora, 10 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore, 6 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 8 Jueyun Chili Chicken
HQ4LF36T5H3013k Mora, 11 Adventurer’s Experience, 6 Fine Enhancement Ore, 7 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 9 Jueyun Chili Chicken
IR5MG47U6I3135 Primogems
JS6NH58V7J3225k Mora, 7 Mystic Enhancement Ore
KT7OI69W8K3330 Primogems
LU8PJ7AX9L34105 Primogems, 11 Mystic Enhancement Ores
MV9QK8BY0M35110 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wits
NW0RL9CZ1N3690 Primogems, 55,000 Mora
OX1SM0DA2O3765 Primogems, 7 Adventurer’s Experience
PY2TN1EB3P38115 Primogems, 12 Mystic Enhancement Ores
QZ3UO2FC4Q39120 Primogems, 4 Hero’s Wits
RA4VP3GD5R4014k Mora, 12 Adventurer’s Experience, 7 Fine Enhancement Ore, 8 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 10 Jueyun Chili Chicken
SB5WQ4HE6S4115k Mora, 13 Adventurer’s Experience, 8 Fine Enhancement Ore, 9 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 11 Jueyun Chili Chicken
TC6XR5IF7T4216k Mora, 14 Adventurer’s Experience, 9 Fine Enhancement Ore, 10 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 12 Jueyun Chili Chicken

Genshin Impact Redeem Codes(Expired)

  1. Code: BK4FAZ2N5B50
    Rewards: 105 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores
  2. Code: CL5GB03O6C51
    Rewards: 110 Primogems, 6 Hero’s Wits
  3. Code: DM6HC14P7D52
    Rewards: 115 Primogems, 45,000 Mora
  4. Code: EN7ID25Q8E53
    Rewards: 75 Primogems, 7 Adventurer’s Experience
  5. Code: FO8JE36R9F54
    Rewards: 120 Primogems, 12 Mystic Enhancement Ores
  6. Code: GP9KF47S0G55
    Rewards: 125 Primogems, 4 Hero’s Wits
  7. Code: HQ0LG58T1H56
    Rewards: 85 Primogems, 50,000 Mora
  8. Code: IR1MH69U2I57
    Rewards: 17k Mora, 15 Adventurer’s Experience, 10 Fine Enhancement Ore, 11 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 13 Jueyun Chili Chicken
  9. Code: JS2NI7AV3J58
    Rewards: 18k Mora, 16 Adventurer’s Experience, 11 Fine Enhancement Ore, 12 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 14 Jueyun Chili Chicken
  10. Code: KT3OJ8BW4K59
    Rewards: 19k Mora, 17 Adventurer’s Experience, 12 Fine Enhancement Ore, 13 Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, 15 Jueyun Chili Chicken
  11. Code: LU4PK9CX5L60
    Rewards: 50 Primogems
  12. Code: MV5QL0DY6M61
    Rewards: 35k Mora, 8 Mystic Enhancement Ore
  13. Code: NW6RM1EZ7N62
    Rewards: 55 Primogems
  14. Code: OX7SN2F18O63
    Rewards: 130 Primogems, 14 Mystic Enhancement Ores
  15. Code: PY8TO3G29P64
    Rewards: 135 Primogems, 7 Hero’s Wits

Some More Related Posts on Redeem Codes:

What are Genshin Impact Codes and their uses?

In Genshin Impact, redeem codes are special combinations of letters and numbers. All the Genshin Impact Players can use these codes to get free rewards in the game.

You can unlock many types of rewards, Here are some rewards:

  • Primogems – Used to get new characters and weapons.
  • Mora – Main currency to buy items and upgrade gear.
  • Adventure EXP – It is important to increase your Adventure Rank to access new quests.
  • Character EXP Materials – It levels up your characters to make them stronger.
  • Weapon Enhancement Materials – Upgrade weapons to increase damage.
  • Hero’s Wit and Adventurer’s Experience – Quickly boosts character experience.
  • Food and Healing Items – Heals your team and gives temporary buffs.

How to redeem Genshin Impact Codes?

There are two ways to redeem Genshin Impact codes. You can log in either through the official website or directly in the game. But before you log in make sure you have a HoYoverse account linked to your Genshin Impact game.

Redeem via Website:

How to redeem Genshin Impact Codes?
  1. Visit the Genshin Impact official website:
  2. Click on “Sign In” in the top right corner.
  3. Log in to your HoYoverse account.
  4. After this, click on the nickname in the top right corner and then click on “User Center.”
  5. In the User Center, go to the “Gift Redemption” tab.
  6. Now select the server your character is on from the drop-down menu.
  7. Enter your character name in the field.
  8. This should be pre-filled if you logged in with the correct account.
  9. Copy and paste the redeem code in the “Redemption Code” field.
  10. Now click on “Redeem.”

In-game Method:

  1. Open Genshin Impact and log in to your account.
  2. Now open the Paimon Menu (press the “Esc” key on the PC).
  3. Click on “Settings” (gear icon).
  4. Go to the “Account” tab.
  5. Select “Redeem Code.”
  6. Enter the code and click “Exchange.”

Remember, the rewards will still be sent through in-game mail regardless of the redemption method.

How to get redeem codes from different sources

To stay updated with Genshin Impact redeem codes, You should first know the genuine and good sources. Here’s a guide to both official and indirect sources where you can find genuine codes:

Official Sources for Genshin Impact Codes

  1. miHoYo’s Official Social Media: Follow Genshin Impact on platforms like Twitter (@GenshinImpact), Instagram (@genshinimpact), and Facebook (@Genshinimpact) for the latest news, updates, and codes.
  2. Genshin Impact’s Official Website: Regularly check the news section on the Genshin Impact official website for announcements and codes.
  3. Special Events: miHoYo also releases new codes during live streams, game anniversaries, or major updates. These events are usually broadcast on platforms like Twitch or YouTube.
  4. In-Game Mail: Occasionally, miHoYo sends redeem codes directly to players through in-game mail as rewards for game milestones or apologies for maintenance issues.

Indirect Sources for Genshin Redeem Codes

  1. Telegram Groups: Join Genshin Impact Codes communities on Telegram to get the redeem codes shared by the players.
  2. Websites: Gaming news websites and Genshin Impact fan sites also collect and share the active redeem codes. You can give these websites a try.
  3. YouTube: Content creators who focus on Genshin Impact also share redeem codes in their videos, especially during special events or collaborations with miHoYo as a giveaway.
  4. Reddit: The Genshin Impact subreddit (/r/Genshin_Impact) is a great place to find shared codes, tips, and discussions about where to find new codes.
  5. Facebook Groups and Pages: There are many Genshin Impact community groups and pages where players share the latest codes they find.
  6. Discord Servers: You can also join the game discords because the members often share codes and tips on redeeming them.

Scams and Avoid Them

You must be very careful when looking for Cookie Run: Kingdom codes. There are many scams on the internet that you need to watch out for.

Some websites claim they can generate free codes for you, but this is not true at all. You should never trust such claims.


So, friends, we have covered everything you need to know about redeem codes for Genshin Impact. Now you should have a clear idea of how and where to find these precious codes for free.

Remember, we are constantly updating our site with new codes. Make sure to visit us regularly to discover new redeem codes every hour.

If you find a code has already been redeemed, don’t lose heart. Just keep trying and check back with our website to test your luck for more free redeem codes.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about redeem codes, feel free to drop a comment below.

About the Author

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Hi, I’m GamerSou, a lifelong gamer who started playing classics like GTA and IGI at the age of 14. Today, I run a gaming shop, a YouTube channel, and a blog to share my passion with the community. I love helping gamers by sharing free gift cards, gaming items, and redeem codes. Many of these come from leftover stock from my gaming shop and are given as rewards in my giveaways. Join me to explore gaming, grab some freebies, and level up together. Connect with me: Facebook | Instagram | X (Twitter) | Pinterest | Linkedin